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Northside Suburban Little League

Northside Suburban Little League



Is my child eligible to play at Northside Suburban Little League (NSLL)?

During the fall season, any child may play at NSLL where the focus is on skill development. To be eligible for All-Stars in the spring season, there are three options:

1. You must live within our league boundaries (Check the League Finder); or  
2. You must attend Little League-approved schools (not daycares) within our league boundary; or 
3. You must have a Little League district-approved II(d) form.

There are no exceptions to these Little League-regulated requirements.  If you are unsure, please reach out via email to [email protected].

When does the season start?

  • Spring Season 2024: Registration is December 1st to February 1st. Players who register after February 1, 2024 will be placed on the waitlist. The season runs from late February through May.
  • Fall Season:  Registration occurs from August 1 to around the first week of September. After team assignments, the regular season runs for six weeks, ending the first Saturday in November.


What is the difference between League Age and Actual Age?
Little league utilizes specific criteria to determine which division kids are eligible to participate in. If you are unclear as to your child's “League Age,” please see the link.  [League Age Calculator]

Does NSLL require any experience to register?
A player is not required to have any experience to register. In all divisions above Tee Ball, players are placed on teams via the draft process. Experience is considered in the evaluations but will not keep a player from being placed on a team.

What divisions does NSLL offer?

  • Tee Ball (ages 4-6)
  • Machine Pitch (ages 6-8) 
  • Minors (ages 9-11)
  • Majors (ages 11-12)
  • 50/70 a.k.a. Intermediate (*available in spring only, ages 12-13)
  • Juniors (ages 13-14)
  • Seniors (ages 15-16)

How are teams established?
All divisions of baseball/softball above Tee Ball hold mandatory evaluations.  Players are drafted to teams based on their skill & age.

What days are practices?
The coaches set the practice schedules for each team.  The league does not dictate when/where a team practices. Each team is required to offer at least one practice per week. As you advance to older divisions, practice frequency may increase.  Requests to practice on a particular day will not be honored. Tee Ball typically only practices once a week for about an hour.

Where are practices held?
Coaches typically have an opportunity to hold one practice per week at NSLL fields. Once games begin, the fields will be utilized for games, and practice locations could change. The times and locations are at the discretion of the head coach. Requests to practice at a particular location will not be honored.

Can I request to be placed on a team that practices on a specific day?
Requests to be placed on teams that practice on a particular day of the week will not be honored; participants must be flexible as it relates to practices. Each head coach will determine where and when they practice during the season. 

On what days are games held?
No team has a set time/day that they play each week. Game days and times are distributed as evenly as possible.

Tee Ball, Machine Pitch, and Minors divisions will typically play one weeknight game starting around 6 p.m. and one game on Saturday at times spread out through the morning and early afternoon. Occasionally it will be necessary for these divisions (except Tee Ball, which always has the early game) to play games starting at 7:30 p.m. on weeknights. Provided weather does not impact the schedule, teams will play no more than two games per week.

Majors, Juniors, and Seniors divisions do not typically play on the weekends. Instead, their games occur on weeknights, Mon-Fri, and may start as late as 8:00 p.m. Teams could be scheduled for double headers as needed. Provided weather does not impact the schedule, teams will play no more than two games per week.  Although games are not typically scheduled for Wednesdays and Sundays, Wednesday evenings and Sunday afternoons could become an option in the event of cancellations due to weather. 

What if my child doesn't make a team?
All registered players will be placed on a team regardless of skill or experience, and all players will play in games. Players should make every effort to attend the player evaluations so that teams have balanced skill levels.

What equipment is provided? What equipment are parents required to provide?
Northside Suburban Little League will provide a uniform jersey and cap/visor for each player. All other equipment should be provided by the parent. Items that are typically required include but are not limited to the following:

* Batting Helmet which meets LL safety requirements   [LL Helmet Requirements]
* Baseball/Softball Glove
* Rubber-soled cleats (not required, but recommended for most divisions)
* Baseball/Softball Pants, Socks and a Belt (color and a style will be designated by the head coach after teams have been announced)
* If you choose to buy your player a baseball bat,  it must have a USA Baseball stamp on it.  [Bat Information]
* If you choose to buy your player a softball bat, it must be stamped with BPF 1.20
* Catcher's gear will be provided to each team. If you provide your own catcher's gear, it must have a dangling throat guard attached.

Our partners at Dick's Sporting Goods have a helpful checklist as well.   [Tips from DSG]

Can I request a certain coach?
Coach requests are usually honored in Tee Ball. All divisions higher than Tee Ball will be subject to a draft process. 

Can siblings be placed on the same team?
The short answer is yes, if siblings (or cousins) are playing in the same division, they will be placed on the same team unless otherwise requested.

I signed my child up for a certain division, why weren't they placed there?
Teams above Tee Ball are created by the draft process. In order to be in a certain division, players must demonstrate the ability to perform at the same skill level as others in the division. This is typically done at the player evaluation day. The draft determines where your child is placed, not where you register them.

How can I volunteer to help?
Awesome!  We'd love to have you!!!  In fact, we NEED you!  NSLL is a family-oriented, volunteer-run league with countless tasks that need responsible volunteers to handle them.  Please sign-up during registration & reach out to a board member in your child's division.  Submit an interest form to be considered for the coaching staff.

This all volunteer league has been built on the love, passion, & the sacrifices of 1000s of volunteers. Board Members do not get paid. Coaches do not get paid. Those who scrub the bathrooms do not get paid!  If you see an opportunity to help the league run better, raise your hand & get involved.

SPRING Registration: All Divisions (Baseball and Softball) 12/1/2023 - 2/1/2024.  Waitlist will start when the division is full or after February 1, 2024.  All players (new and returning) must register online and upload the required documentation.

Spring Season Dates


Team Drafts


Season Start

End Season

City TourneyAll-Stars

All Divisions

2/2 - 2/4
(location and times TBD)

2/15/2024 - 2/19/2024

2/18/2024 - 3/2/24

*Opening Ceremony 3/4/2024



Closing Ceremony

(Regular Season)

Week of May 30thGames the week of June 19th

For additional questions, please e-mail us at [email protected]. As we are an all-volunteer organization, please allow at least 24-48 hours for a response.

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